Insurance and safety

All walks organised by We In Front automatically receive Public Liability Insurance cover, provided that the walk leader is a paid-up member of We In Front. This is designed to protect leaders against claims for damage to property and for injury or death which might have occurred during the walk.

This is not a personal accident insurance and therefore walk participants are responsible for their own health and safety and the safekeeping of clothing and belongings.

We In Front is an age 18+ walking group. Walkers under the age of 18 may participate, but must be accompanied by and under the guidance of a parent or responsible adult.

Walkers who bring a dog are responsible for its safety and for ensuring it is under control and does not pose a danger or nuisance to other participants or to the environment through which the walk passes.

For your own safety we collect the following information:

  • Your name,

  • your mobile telephone number,

  • your email (not compulsory),and

  • close family members name and number in case of accident.

In order that we comply with Data Protection regulations we require an acknowledgement signature on the membership form.

You are responsible for gauging your own ability and we will help you to do this. If you find a walk gets too much, don’t worry. It’s OK to bail out and a member (or members) will make sure you get back safely.

Leaders and some members have been on Basic First Aid courses.

You can download an Information Pack pdf about us HERE.